Friday, November 29, 2019
Types of Friends Essay Example For Students
Types of Friends Essay During childhood, I was quite famous in my primary school , I was more handsome than other kids in my school and I used to have a lot of friends from various races. I entered the International School of Penang to further my secondary studies. After mixing with different types of friends, I started to understand the true meaning of friends. Friendship is not just about a relationship that you have with others for his wealth , appearance or popularity. It is made of the experiences that you experienced with somebody that is really special to you. One can have many friends , but they can only have a few best friends, which are also known as bossom friends. Those few are the one that you have chose to continue your journey through this life. Life is not just a journey that you can complete in a few days or weeks , it takes years to complete , you may even live for a hundred years if you are able to take care of your health. I have seen many types of friends, some of them are only pretending to be your friends for the money and popularity that you own. We will write a custom essay on Types of Friends specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now They will pretend to be as good as they can in front of you and start talking bad things about you behind your back. They will only show their true colours when they are caught red handed. They will even make up a cock and bull story to clear their name. This kind of person is a shame to the holy relationship-friendship. I have also came across a few people who are important to me. They are Ken, Yaw Wei, Kim Hwa, Wei Yee, Shao Tong and Rickson. I am really proud to call them my friends. They are not just people who stick around and follow you everywhere. All of them believe their beliefs and follow some principals and I respect them for that. One day , I came to school and shared my story with them about how I started a quarrel with my parents. I was shocked when they started scolding me the next moment I finished my story. I was both happy and sad at the same time. I felt sad because I had a quarrel with my parents over a minor issue and i was also very happy that my friends cared about me and gave me some advice. I followed their advice by apologizing to my parents the moment i reached home and gave them a huge hug. They smiled and forgave me for my rudeness. There are many more things that i wish to do with my friends such as playing together, studying together and spending more times together. Friends are also the ones that you will never forget in your entire life. They are the ones that understands your feeling and be by your side to lend you a helping hands when you face trouble. They are also the ones who thinks you as their family members and guides you to the right direction to help you to move forward. I like to thank the All-Mighty God for letting me meet such friends. I wished that I could have met them earlier in my life so that we could have many more wonderful experiences.
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Foundation of Democracy Waiting for the King to Come
The Foundation of Democracy Waiting for the King to Come Introduction: Obama’s Victory One of the things that make the fundament of the United States, democracy is not merely a word, but the long-suffered result, won in the hardest battles. However, the process of the state democratization is far from being over yet.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The Foundation of Democracy: Waiting for the King to Come specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another step that brought the country closer to establishing the democratic society and providing the rights and freedoms to all of its citizens were the presidential elections that took place recently. Once choosing the man who is bound to lead the country to another victory over the economical standstill, the financial complicacies and the international misconceptions arising between the United States and the rest of the world, the country will necessarily see its expectations come true. For those who still consider the presidential elections an international show-off, Gibbs says, Barack Hussein Obama did not win because of the color of his skin. Nor did he win in spite of it. He won because at a very dangerous moment in the life of a still young country, more people than have ever voted before came together to try and save it [Gibbs]. Thus, it must be admitted that the result of the elections was another step towards the principles of democracy. With help of the politics conducted by Obama, the country is bound to prosper. â€Å"A nation does not need a big President in small times; it needs one only when the future is spitting out monsters†[Gibbs]. From 1920 to 2011: The Pillars of Democracy Considering the history of the USA, one has to admit that the country has seen hard times, yet there has always been someone or something to help the country rise from the ashes. Encouraging the economical progress and making people strive for the new discoveries, the XX century was a huge step towar ds the brand new world.Advertising Looking for critical writing on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Perhaps, one of the greatest discoveries that started the machine of the U. S. progress was the invention of electricity. â€Å"Electric motors replaced steam engines as the basic source of energy in factories,†[Divine 736] Divine marked, and clarified that this is where the progress was launched. Who could have thought that in several decades, overcoming the economic weakness, the country will start a completely new epoch – the Jazz Age, when â€Å"the city replaced the countryside†[Divine 764]? Comparing the new and the old vision of the past events suggested by Divine, one can consider the 1920ies not only as the age of Great Depression, but also as the time when the transition to modern America [Divine 735] was carried out. Conclusion: Some More Steps Left Considering the current stat e of the country, one can still claim that a lot needs to be done. For the progress to continue, people must not cease their efforts in shaping the country and establishing the democracy [Morris 04/26]. Therefore, planning the further improvements is one of the most important tasks nowadays. One of the most evident spheres that require mending is the one of the People’s Rights [Morris 05/05]. Started in the distant 1909, the campaign for people’s rights [Morris 05/05] still continues, taking various shapes, such as the rights of women, the rights of the disabled, etc. Helping people to have their rights acknowledged by the rest of the world is one of the most essential issues at present. Therefore, this seems to be the sphere that deserves further improvement, along with the country economics and the home and foreign policy. Divine, Robert, et al. America Past and Present, Brief Edition, Vol. 1, 7th Ed. New York City, NY: Pearson, 2007. Print.Advertising We wi ll write a custom critical writing sample on The Foundation of Democracy: Waiting for the King to Come specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Gobbis, Nancy. â€Å"This is Our Time.†TIME, Nov. 17, 2008. Print. Morris. â€Å"Class Lectures.†2011. Microsoft Word file.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
LDL Cholesterol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
LDL Cholesterol - Essay Example Therefore, it is not easy for anyone to know whether they are in danger or not. As a matter of caution, people are advised to have their cholesterol levels assessed regularly. These checks are conducted through ‘lipoprotein profile’ blood tests (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005). The total level of cholesterol is significant in determining the risk of CHD in any individual. The total cholesterol level is computed by adding bad (LDL cholesterol), good cholesterol (HDL) and triglycerides. The difference between LDL and HDL is that LDL contributes to the build up and blockage of arteries, whereas; HDL prevents cholesterol build within arteries. Comprehensive assessment of cholesterol levels requires a lipoprotein profile test. However, where this is not possible one can still get a general idea on the probable level of their cholesterol and risk level. Cholesterol measures are done in milligrams (mg) per deciliter of blood (dL), and any levels above 200mg/dL or below 40mg/dL require that a lipoprotein profile be conducted (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005). The levels of HDL should be preferably higher (at least 60 mg/dL) because of the positive role of protecting against CHD. However, levels below 40 mg/dL should be worrying because this level is below minimum and could be a risk because it increases chances of CHD (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005). The risk of getting CHD is determined by multiple factors including cholesterol levels, lifestyle and pre-existent conditions such as diabetes (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005). The risk of developing CHD is determined by considering the risk factors, which are scored against the scale established in the Framingham Risk Score (FRS). The FRS is made up of a number of scoring systems for determining the probability of an individual to get CHD. The first step entails assessing the number of risk factors that an individual possesses. Each
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Research and Statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Research and Statistics - Essay Example The undertakers of the research may not be cognizant of the underlying level of understanding of the questions by the respondents because there is no personal contact with them. There are specific questions contained in the questionnaires, the researcher may miss important information that could help to deduce the attributes of the people that are the topic of research (Kothari, 2005, pp 47-50). Interviewing is a qualitative method of research where there is a conversation between the researcher and the interviewees. It is a strategy used by researchers to deduce the experience of the targeted group by asking a set of relevant questions via the telephone, the internet or in physical contact with them. The interview should be clear, interpretative, knowledgeable, and critical and should remember the subject matter. Interviews can target individuals (personal interview) or target a group of people (group interviews). An example of interview is the one to investigate the thoughts children have about education and their mental state regarding this issue. This may be to assess the mental state of children (Rubin & Babbie, 2011, pp 82-84). Interviews have their limitations. It might be difficult to plan the time and meeting point for the interview. The participants can reschedule the interview or worse even sabotage it. Interviewers have the task of making the interviewees feel comfortable. There are instances where interviewees are hostile to the interviewers based on race, culture or even personal feelings (Tarantino & Peary,1998, pp 65-70). The main purpose of the research is mainly to define effect the expectations would have on the performance of the children in the reading test. This is a mental hypothesis; increase in the performance of the children with increased expectation in the reading test. The dependent variable within the research is the performance of the prevailing children and it is measurable. It is mental since it is
Monday, November 18, 2019
Jazz Concert at Easter Washington University Essay
Jazz Concert at Easter Washington University - Essay Example This list ensured hthe rhythmical sound of jazz and classical music alternatively. Therefore, the group created an environment that entertained the attendants making some of them stand and dance to the low tone music. On the saxophones or woodwinds were Nick Rice, Max Thew, Jared McFalin, Koelynn Jones and Jacob Lorber. The trumpet part was played by Adam Gaulke, Jbackson Wesley, Tristan Dodson, and Connor Splichal. The trombones were played by Joe Boucher, Luke Brakhman, Luke Manasco, and Nathan Westlund. The band size was medium. One of the singers bared a heavy resemblance to some of the popular ancient jazz legends. He typically resembled Duke Ellington in the way he sang the song. He did the song in a manner that is exactly similar to the way Duke did most of his performances during his days. The dressing attire of the performers was long and white robe like clothes with bright linens at the neck of each performer (Plamondon). The attendance at the concert was beyond what I had imagined or seen in earlier concerts I attended. A large portion of the attendants were young people contrary to my expectation. I have .known young people in my country to be fanatics of popular romantic RnB and Rock music. There were also elderly people in the concert theatre. The singer who displayed a lot of emotion in the song attracted a lot attention of the attendants making them become more attentive to the words rather than the rhythm as they had been in the past hours. Analytically, the melody of the music played during the performance revealed a strange feature. At the beginning it looks more boring than the attendants expected. In fact, most of the attendants could not even shake their heads. Some said that they had wasted their money and will never attend such a concert. However, as the band played, there was a lot of improvements in melody. This attracted attention of the attendants who had earlier underrated the band making the rise to their feet. Harmony in the song involved simultaneous use of different pitches and chords making the song look non-rhythmical, in the making. The main chord used by the band was the 7th chord but it was alternated with the 9th producing irregular rhythmical pattern of the song. The tunes mainly appeared like those of blues music on hearing. This produced the syncopation of the song (Plamondon). The interference of the rhythmical patterns made the attendants get confused and watched as the performers enjoyed every bit of the song. Most of them danced as they played their instruments. This implies that they were aware of the rhythmical patterns of the song therefore were not affected by constant and songs abrupt change of rhythms as they performed. They swung their slim bodies responding to the songs while playing their instruments with passion. Some of them, especially the saxophonists bent as they played their instruments. The instrument produced a rhythm that exactly and beautifully rhymed with the tempo of the s ong. This made everybody in the hall applaud as they joined the singer. Those who knew the song enjoyed more than those who didn’t. Those who didn’t, including me, learnt from the crowd. It was like a surprise to me that I managed to cram and understand the song lyrics after the concert. The overall outlook
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Important and application of data mining
Important and application of data mining Important and application of Data Mining Abstract Today, people in business area gain a lot of profit as it can be increase year by year through consistent approach should be apply accordingly. Thus, performing data mining process can lead to utilize in assist to make decision making process within the organization. This paper elaborate in detail the level of importance and also the application the application of data mining which can be adopt for various fields depends on the objective, mission, goals and purpose of conducting the study within the organization. there are three main areas take as a example which are hotel, library and hotel to observe on how data mining works to these main field. Keywords: Data Mining, KDD Process, Decision Trees, Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm; Association Rules, Neural Network, Rough Set, 1.0 Introduction As we know, organization which conducts business transaction is keeps massive of document or data in a specific database for further retrieval. The data are combine from are a few departments that carried out different task and each of their function parallel with the mission and vision of organization. According (Imberman, 2001) the number of fields in large databases can approach magnitudes of 102 to 103. Therefore, it is necessary to make proper decision making or strategic planning using the existing data where these plays important role in order to ensure any action that are taken place does not given an impact especially bring loss to the organization. Other than that, data became obsolete when it keeps on changing and easily out dated as the user requirement shifting depends on factors such as trends, money, needs and so forth. One way to analyze data is using of data mining technique which enable to assist organization by emphasize several steps to produce the valuable output in short period of time compare with the traditional method which may involves more than one methodologies and it derive to longer of time to accomplish the investigation towards a portion of data. Thus, in the business area an action should be done quickly in order to compete with other competitors and to improve performance both in giving service and produce a high quality product. Moreover, process interpretation of the result involves group of people to inject some of the creativity and synthesis which can lead to the solutions on the problem or tasks. Obviously, data mining a lot assist in various fields with different purposes and depend on the objectives that want to achieve. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 tells about definition of data mining. Section 3 determines the importance of data mining. Section 4 explains the application of data mining in various fields. Section 5 draws the conclusions. 2.0 Definition of Data Mining There are abroad definitions listed by a few researcher and academician according to their view and opinion based on the study they have done. Moreover, these will help to understand or giving an idea before discusses more in depth towards data mining technique. Basically, the main purpose use of data mining is to manipulate huge amount of data either existence or store in the databases by determine suitable variables which is contribute to the quality of prediction that will be use to solve problem. Define by Gargano Raggad, 1999. Data mining searches for hidden relationships, patterns, correlations, and interdependencies in large databases that traditional information gathering methods (e.g. report creation, pie and bar graph generation, user querying, decision support systems (DSSs), etc.) might overlook. Besides that, another author also agreed with opinion toward the data mining definition which is to seek hidden pattern, orientation and also trend. Through (Palace, 1996) added to the previous is: Data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases. Moreover, data mining also define as process to squeeze of knowledge or information using appropriate framework or model to analyze until produce an output that assist in fulfill the objective of the study. From Imberman, 2001: As knowledge extraction, information discovery, information harvesting, exploratory data analysis, data archeology, data pattern processing, and functional dependency analysis. The statement above agreed and adds that the framework or model that adopt definitely to expose the real circumstance. Define by Ma, Chou Yen, 2000: Data mining is the process of applying artificial intelligence techniques (such as advanced modeling and rule induction) to a large data set in order to determine patterns in the data. In the other hand, data mining is taken a few steps during analysis and this step is depending on the methodology that is chosen. Each of the methodology is not much differ from other methodology. Through Forcht Cochran, 1999: Data mining is an interactive process that involves assembling the data into a format conducive to analysis. Once the data are configured, they must be cleaned by checking for obvious errors or flaws (such as an item that is an extreme outlier) and simply removing them. 3.0 Important of Data Mining As discusses above, it can be seen that data mining will be beneficial a lot of party and multiple range of level in the organization as the model or framework that is apply can reduce time and cost. Then, the results allow the responsible knowledge worker to transform into the strategic value of information effectively by critically analyze the result. The process should be done carefully to avoid the useful variables or algorithm being removes or not be included in the extraction of reliable data. Data mining techniques will help in select a portion of data using appropriate tools to filter outliers and anomalies within the set of data. According to Gargano Raggad, 1999, there are a few others important of data mining consist of:  · To facilitate the explication of previously hidden information includes the capabilities to discover rules, classify, partition, associate and optimize. According to (Goebel Gruenwald, 1999) in order to seek the pattern of data, a few methodologies are use in clarify the vagueness as well as to identifying the relation among one variables and other variables within the databases whereas the outcome will guide in making decision or to forecast the impact when the action were take into consideration. The chosen of methodologies should be determined in a proper way suit with the rules and condition towards the data which is to be analyzed. The methodologies include: Statistical Methods: focused mainly on testing of preconceived hypotheses and on fitting models to data. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR): technology that tries to solve a given problem by making direct use of past experiences and solutions. Neural Networks: formed from large numbers of simulated neurons, connected to each other in a manner similar to brain neurons which enables the network to learn. Decision Trees: each non-terminal node represents a test or decision on the considered data item and can also be interpreted as a special form of a rule set, characterized by their hierarchical organization of rules. Rule Induction: Rules state a statistical correlation between the occurrences of certain attributes in a data item, or between certain data items in a data set. Bayesian Belief Networks: graphical representations of probability distributions derived from co-occurrence counts in the set of data items. Genetic algorithms / Evolutionary Programming: formulate hypotheses about dependencies between variables, in the form of association rules or some other internal formalism. Fuzzy Sets: constitute a powerful approach to deal not only with incomplete, noisy or imprecise data, but may also be helpful in developing uncertain models of the data that provide smarter and smoother performance than traditional systems. Rough Sets: rough sets are a mathematical concept dealing with uncertainty in data and used as a stand-alone solution or combined with other methods such as rule induction, classification, or clustering methods  · The ability to seamlessly automate and embed some of mundane, repetitive, tedious decision steps not requiring continuous human intervention. Several steps are taken in processes or analyzes on selected data where the process involves of filtering, transforming, testing, modeling, visualization and documented the result or store accordingly in the databases or data warehouse. Each of the steps functions differently and has responsibility in carries out the process with the purpose to easier and produce the high quality of assumption by automate generate towards specific conditions. For example, data warehouse also keep previous analysis and this allow eliminating the redundant output at certain steps. Through Ma, Chou Yen, 2000, they stress the characteristics of data mining define how it assist to reach the end process of analyzing. It comprises: Data pattern determination: Data-access languages or data-manipulation languages (DMLs) identify the specific data that users want to pull into the program for processing or display. It also enables users to input query specifications. Therefore, users simply select the desired information from the menus, and the system builds the SQL command automatically. Formatting capability: It generates raw data formats, tabular, spreadsheet form, multidimensional-display and visualization. Content analysis capability: Data mining also has a strong content analysis capability that enables the user to process the specifications written by the end-users. Synthesis capability: Data mining allows data synthesis to be timely executed.  · Simultaneously reducing cost and potential error encountered in the decision making process. Basically, data mining can minimize the error of forecasting by following the steps of selected methodology in well manner to avoid delaying in making decision where this situation will giving big impact for the business area. Therefore, it must be careful in handling the data throughout the steps involves whereby the strategic plan should take into consideration includes of the objectives to done the analysis, the amount of data, the variables, the relationship between variables, test adopted, and so forth. Moreover, if there is need to discuss with the professional towards the study conducted and it should be included in the planning part. In the context of organization, usually a unit or group of people are given responsible to carries this duty to discover the hidden pattern for another department. Hence, the continuously meeting should be done between the professional and researchers to ensure the end result fulfill their requirement as well as to improve the performance of work er, department and organization. In term of reducing a cost, compare to the traditional research which take time in acquiring the data from respondents and it depend on the methodologies that are use and the number of sampling. If the questionnaire method, it can be done quickly and less time consuming but if the interviewing method is adopted, it surely take time and researcher have to meets the respondent more than one time, if there is an ambiguity or the answers not meet with the requirement. For certain study, the sampling are involves from the different location which require the researcher to travel in order to gain the genuine opinion from them and this will cost a lot involves of accommodation, food, flight ticket and so forth. For data mining, it uses the existence of data (for example, data of customer transaction, data of student registration, data of patient undergo the operation process and so on) that keep in data warehouse which mostly reduce cost in aspect of acquiring data. Other than that, researc her take first action by search for the study in the data warehouse when the objective being determine at the beginning of study because previous study are store in the data warehouse. If it is found tally, a few step will be skip or easily decided towards the data and it prove that data mining can reducing the cost as well as time. Refer to Gargano Raggad, 1999, data mining also derive long term benefit which the cost incurred due to the development, implementation, and maintenance of such systems by a wide margin. 4.0 The application of Data Mining Nowadays, data mining is widely use especially to those organization that focuses on consumer orientation. For example, retail, financial, communication, and marketing organizations (Palace, 1996). Besides it, healthcare area also gain benefit by apply the data mining into the daily operations. These various of field shows each of the organization carries different transaction where all of details keep in the databases which enables to perform analysis for multiple purpose likes to increase revenue, gain more customer, improve customer satisfaction and others. Moreover, again through (Palace, 1996) the existence data allow to determine relationships among internal factor consists price, product positioning or staff skills and external factor consists economic indicators, competition and customer demographic. Hence, there three examples of data minings application in different areas which are hotel sector, library scope and also hospital with the goals to reduce or eliminate the weakness by address it using the result that is interpret in well manner to assist in making decision for the best solutions. The examples are as follows:  · A data mining approach to developing the profiles of hotel customers. A study conduct by Min, Min Ahmed Emam, 2002 with the objective to target some of the valued customers for special treatment based on their anticipated future profitability to the hotel. There are a few questions regarding to the customer profiling: Which customers are likely to return to the same hotel as repeat guests? Which customers are at greatest risk of defecting to other competing hotels? Which service attributes are more important to which customers? How to segment the customer population into profitable or unprofitable customers? Which segment of the customers best fits the current service capacities of the hotels? The researchers adopt decision trees for analyzing the data from the abroad method of data mining methodology because the ability to generate appropriate rules using visualization and simplicity. There are three steps having to follows in this process and it includes: Data collection: the process of select data that suit with objective from the previous survey. Moreover, remove the unwanted data from databases by filtering out the excel file. Data formatting: the process of converted all data in the spreadsheet to Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) for the purpose of classification accuracy. Rules induction: the process of selection of algorithms to building decision trees which is C5.0 to generate sets of rules that bring important clues in order for hotel manager to take further action. As the result, the researcher found that if-then rules as a useful in formulating a customer retention strategy with a predictive ranging from 80.9 per cent to 93.7 per cent whereas a predictive accuracy reflect to the rules conditions that affect by times (percentage).  · Using data mining technology to provide a recommendation service in the digital library. A study conducted by Chen Chen, 2006 with the purpose to provide recommendation system architecture to promote digital library service in electronic libraries. There are abroad of digital publication format likes audio, video, picture, etc. thus, it lead difficulties in analyzing or defining the keyword and content in order to gain information from the user to improve the service in the digital libraries. In the methodology section, there are two data mining models selected which consist o Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm; This model is capable to find the shortest path or reduce time to find the best output fit with the problem that existence in the organizations. Each of the steps has different function to enable they too see the relation among the variables It takes a few steps which are: Step 0: parameters and initialize pheromone trails. Step 1: Each ant constructs its solution Step 2: Calculate the scores of all solutions Step 3: Update the pheromone trails. Step 4: If the best solution has not been changed after some predefined iterations, terminate the algorithm; otherwise go to step 2. o Association rules to discover the hidden pattern. This model enables to find co-purchase items and assist in uncovered relationship algorithms in form of association rules. There are two main steps as follows: Step 1: Find all large item sets Step 2; use the large items set generated in the first step to generate all the effective association rules. As the results, these two models encounter more than one solutions and enable to gain a lot of recommendation that can be manipulate into various problem that exists in conducting digital libraries as well as to promote the usage in multiple level of user using the appropriate mechanism and providing suitable services.  · Using KDD process to forecast the duration of surgery. A study conducted by Combas, Meskens Vandamme, 2007 with the aim is to identify classes of surgery likely to take different lengths of time according to the patients profile as well as to allow the use of the operating theatre to be better scheduled. There are many issues arise in this field that lead to the study. For example, an endoscopy unit use of endoscopy tube (shared resources) during the surgery. However their availability is limited because it takes 30-45min to clean and sterilize each one. The scheduling of endoscopies (and all other operating theatre procedures) must obviously take into account the availability of these different resources. The researchers adopt Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process to analyze this massive data from the databases. The step as follows: Step 1: data preparation which the selected data must be fulfill of requirement includes secondary diagnoses, Previous active history and system affected. Step 2: data cleaning where filter data by concerning surgical procedures that had been performed at least 40 times (at least 20 times for combinations involving both surgery and specific surgeons). Step 3: data mining which to decide appropriate method to test on the portion of data which it involves rough set and neural network. Step 4: validation by comparison consist process of interpretation by comparing the result from two methods that perform data analysis in order to observe the rate of good classification. Then, researcher added up another three steps in order to fit with the objective that is proposed and to produce the best outcomes to forecast the durations of surgery. It consists of: o Step 5: Measuring the impact of predicting the duration of surgery on planning which in this step the duration of surgery supplied by the prediction models (empirical laws, rule-based laws, etc.) based on information stored in the database is used to feed a series of algorithms and heuristics for planning purposes o Step 6: Simulation involves the present time will allow to simulate the activity of the different theatre suites in terms of the operating sequence determined by planning methods on the two scenarios which are operating data and patients profile o Step 7: validation selection of the best model where the results supplied by the simulation model should enable to assess the quality of scheduling on the basis of a series of performance indicators likes the length of time for which the operating theatres are not in use, the number of potential additional hours, and errors in predicting the duration of surgery. As the results, researchers are not particularly satisfactory. The main problem seems to be the choice of variable grouping, which might possibly have an effect on prediction quality. 5.0 Conclusion As a conclusion, data mining can be consider as an effective and efficient way to discover or to transform the invisible to visible data that retrieve from databases which have capabilities to store huge amount of data by using the right tools in assist or enable to analyze, synthesis and manipulate the content of data for various purposes and often depend on the main businesses that carries out to define the target. From the discussion above, it can be seen that there are a lot of advantages when perform data mining especially in the business area which allow the organization to predict the trends, customer requirement, the relationship and so forth as early preparation can be identify in order to seek another or a few others way to ensure that organization can still operate their daily operation after determine that organization not agree towards the result have been gain. In order to produce the end result that satisfying the organization and minimize the error as it successfully implement the information in order to perform business transaction. The key variables should be assign in well manner meet or suitable with the objective that propose in conducting the study because it have to repeat the procedures when found the errors as the decision making process could not been done according to the timeline. 6.0 References Chen, Chia-Chen Chen, An-Pin. (2006 ). Using data mining technology to provide a recommendation service in the digital library. The Electronic Library. 25(6): 711-734. Combas, C., Meskens, N Vandamme, J. P. (2007). Using a KDD process to forecast the duration of surgery. International Journal of Production Economics. 112: 279-293. Forcht., Karen A. Cochran, Kevin. (1999). Using data mining and datawarehousing techniques. Industrial Management Data Systems. 99(5), 189-196. Gargano., Michael L. Raggad, Bel G. (1999). Data mining a powerful information creating tool. OCLC Systems Services. 15(2), 81-90. Goebel, Michael Gruenwald, Le. (1999). A survey of data mining and knowledge discovery software tools. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter. 1: 20 33. Imberman, Susan P. (2001) Effective Use of the KDD Process and Data Mining for Computer Performance Professionals. in International Computer Measurement Group Conference. Anaheim: USA, 611-620. Ma, Catherine, Chou, David C. .Yen, David C. (2000). Data warehousing, technology assessment and management. Industrial Management Data Systems. 100(3), 125-135. Min, Hokey., Min, Hyesung Ahmed Emam. (2002). A data mining approach to developing the profiles of hotel customers. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 14(6): 274-285. Palace, Bill. (1996, Spring). Data Mining: What is Data Mining? retrieved March 2, 2010, from:
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Reliability of the Media Essay -- Media Advertising Advertisements Ess
Reliability of the Media Growing up in America today means being exposed to numerous half truths. These are readily found on the television, newspapers, radio, and movies. The truth is hardly ever told in its complete form. Take for instance the local news broadcast, we watch it and take it for truth. We tend to give credibility to these newscasters based on the fact that they are representing major broadcast stations. These stations are supposed to be reliable and credible sources of information. In reality the facts are rarely ever told in complete form to the public. Bits and pieces of collected information is dressed up and edited to create a â€Å"news item†. Many times a station has to retract statements due to over-embellishment. The whole point in their doing this is to maintain an audience. Movie directors are masters of this technique. Movies based on historical events usually rely heavily on dramatization. It is the job of a movie director to gain and maintain the interest of the audience. As an audience we tend to take what we view as truth. Sometimes the dramatization is so extreme that the fictionalization masks the reality. The movie â€Å"Mississippi Burning†is an example of this type of media process. As an audience we are led to believe that the story is based on real life and that these actual events happened exactly the way it was portrayed, when in fact there are great differences in the movie and what really happened. Some of the events were changed, people ...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Global Money Transfer (Remittances) Market Report Essay
For more details on the content of report and ordering information please visit: Remittances are an important source of income for households, particularly in developing countries. Remittances are gaining importance in the economic planning of all major developing economies of the world. With globalization and growing socio-political activities, more and more people from underdeveloped or developing economies are working outside the countries of their origin. Remittances are being considered as an important financial resource for development as well as a social change by financial planners in developing economies. The worldwide inflow and outflow of remittances is rising constantly since past several years with the exception of 2009, which was characterized by global economic slowdown. The developing nations which include both low-income and middle income countries account for the majority of the global remittance inflow with majority contribution from India, China, Mexico and Philippines, due to their large emigrant population. The largest source of remittance flow to developing regions is high income countries including the US and Western Europe, with the GCC countries fast developing as an important source. The companies operating in the global remittance market are faced with strong competition with few large competitors and numerous small and niche competitors. The leading money transfer organization like Western Union, Money Gram, Euronet, and other independent players compete on the basis of technology, price and quality of service offered to remitters. The report analyzes the global remittances market with focus on India, China, Mexico and Philippines. The key trends observed within the market include exchange rate, fluctuating remittance cost, regional employment or unemployment affecting remittances, number of RSPs and cost variation across India and China and dominance of cash prices over the remittance market. The global remittance market faces several challenges which include the taxes which are imposed by the government on remittances and numerous legal and regulatory hurdles. The major factors which will contribute in the growth of the industry include growing international migration, rising employment rate and global economic growth. By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Incidents of a slave girl essays
Incidents of a slave girl essays In Harriet Jacob's "Incidents in the life of a Slave Girl" Linda Brent reveals the unique brutalities that were inflected on enslaved women that would make one believe that it was best to be dead then to be a slave. "Incidents" discussed the economics of slavery; the quest for freedom; pain and suffering (physical and emotional) community support and family loyalty; resistance and the issue of literacy. It also includes moral conflict between slavery and Christianity; color prejudice; racism; the bond of motherhood, family loyalty; abandonment and the distrust between the blacks slaves and their slave owners. Linda mentions how a black slave was almost beaten to death, because he was arguing with his wife. I was moved on that, because I thought the slave's owners did not care much for the slaves and then for him to protect the female slave for her husband because he had children by her, got me confused. Is the slave owner showing that he cares or was he just protecting his property? I did not like that William was severely reprimanded by his father for answering to his mistress instead of his father when being summoned by the both of them. William was perplexed about whom he was supposed to go to and he had to learn the hard way. I think William should have been warned about whom he should go to first, but that would be too much like right. I felt emotionally drained in regards to the daily torments Linda had to endure in the Flint household. Not only did she have to avoid the pursuit of Dr. Flint, she also was exposed tot he jealous rage of Mrs. Flint, who instead of trying to protect Linda, sees her as responsible for arousing her husbands' lust. Linda was between a rock and a hard place, between her lustful, master and his emotionally insecure wife. Another form of punishment was tying a rope around a person's body, hanging him over a fire, which a piece of fat dripped on their bare flesh. This is just another e...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
israels independence essays
israel's independence essays Israel or Palestine has been the holy land of the Jewish people. Long before biblical times the Jews were settled in Palestine and from then on They have been spreading Their religion, culture, and identity to the rest of the world. Bus Israel hasnt always existed, as a matter of fact it is one of the most recent new Nations formed. Ever since the Jewish community were exiled from Palestine they would always hope that God would bring a messiah which would bring the Jewish society back to Palestine and make it a nation for the Jews. It was during these times that Zionism was first developed. The Zionist have always been arguing and fighting for Palestine and the Jewish people. Their main goal was to bring back the Jewish people into Palestine and establish a home for them. Near the end of World War I the British government issued a letter called the Balfour declaration, which expressed their approval of Zionism. This would soon greatly help in the formation of Israel. Little that they knew that the Zionist would soon gain enough power to form a solid nation which they have been always hoped for. As mentioned before Zionism goes back to biblical times, and their main goal was to establish a home for the Jewish people. At the end of the middle ages a number of Messiahs came forward with the claim to lead the Jews back to Palestine , and they were generally received with great enthusiasm by their fellow Jews #. After many years Zionism finally gained strength and in 1917 the British issued the Balfour declaration to win support of European Jews. In 1922 the league of nations issued a mandate granting control over Palestine to Britain, entrusting it to facilitate the establishment of a Jewish National home.# During World War II increased momentum internationally of the Zionist movement, combined with economic recession in Europe, brought thousands more Jews from else where ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Utilitarianism - Essay Example pproaches to ethics in the history of philosophical thought, Unitarianism was supported by different authors, which resulted in the creation of many varieties of the concept. However, among the most famous and powerful can be named the work by John Stuart Mill, in which he explains the details of the concept and provides logical grounding for its relevance. Therefore, I suggest resorting to the ideas of the famous philosopher to defend the practice of tortures. The core of Utilitarianism is developed from the idea that that actions are as good as their consequences are. Mill argued that there is no value of searching for the morality of an action in the action itself while leaving the context in which it occurs without attention. Consequently, according to Utilitarianism, human morality should serve the principle of Utility or the â€Å"Greatest Happiness Principle†which persuades that â€Å"actions are right in proportion as they can promote happiness and wrong when they produce the reverse of happiness.†(Troyer 98-99) Moreover, the notion of happiness should regarded as a sum of happiness of the majority, which is more essential than the happiness of the one. Applying the concept of utilitarianism to torturing terrorist or military, it becomes clear that its essence and purpose can be fully justified under the condition that this intervention is aimed at the common good. Firstly, under the principles of Utilitarianism, the happiness of one person is less important than the happiness of many. (Evans 53-66) Subsequently, interests of one person can be sacrificed for the sake of preserving interests of the majority. Secondly, the morality of an action should be evaluated taking into account consequences which they would bring, rather than whether a particular action is right or wrong. (Troyer 98-99) It follows that it is morally right to torture a person who hold the information related to the potential harm that can be caused to masses of people. The issue of
Saturday, November 2, 2019
HYBRID ENERGIES Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
HYBRID ENERGIES - Research Paper Example The most striking feature is its very low negative impact on the environment, especially of the small hydropower plants (Our Energy, 2010). This is because the large-scale plants, although producing no waste products like gases and fumes, effect the surrounding ecology by disrupting the ecosystem and laying a waste to the soil in terms of agriculture (Our Energy, 2010). Hence, of late, the small-scale power plants, which can be set up on local water supply pipelines and, therefore, not radically shifting the ecosystem, are preferred (Our Energy, 2010). Another near-zero negative impact hybrid energy comes from the solar thermal technology (Solar Thermal Energy, 2008). This is the most favored form of the hybrid energies, and is increasingly becoming cheaper than the conventional fuels to both harness and maintain (Solar Thermal Energy, 2008). The point focus form of this technology is much more efficient than the other forms, almost double the efficiency (Solar Thermal Energy, 2008). This means that to produce the same amount of energy, it will have the least negative balance on the environment. The highest negative balance on the environment comes from the burning of fossil fuels (Postnote, 2006). Even from among these traditional fuels, coal has the highest carbon footprint, reaching to a level of more than 1,000 gCO2eq/kWh (Postnote, 2006).
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