Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Paying for Essays with ThePensters
If you ever tried to choose the best writing service for your assignment, you probably know that there are hundreds if not thousands of agencies dealing with this kind of work on the Internet. Google writing services and you will see a page after page of results, enumerating similarly named and indistinguishable agencies. It is the case when the first impression isnt deceptive most of them are really identical or similar in the quality of their writing and possibilities they provide. They are all based on more or less the same principles, and we, the people who have been studying this business for years, know that these principles are extremely unsound. Why Should I Pay Someone to Do My Essay? Many people have asked themselves this question, and most writing services dont give a really persuasive answer to it. We, however, are capable of answering it. When you deal with ThePensters, you know exactly who is going to write your paper, what kind of expertise in the chosen field he has, how experienced he is. The reason is simple we dont collect orders to redirect them to our own writers or freelance authors who work for us. Instead we provide a basis, an interface which helps the writers (whom we carefully screen using our own examination system) and clients find each other and deal with each other without being afraid of one taking unjust advantage of another. We are not even a writing agency as such we are a service that makes such cooperation possible. What Does Paying Someone to Write an Essay Mean? When you deal with an average writing service it means that your money and your order is taken by the agency, and you have to wait for results not knowing who and how handles your task. When, however, you place an order with ThePensters, it is a completely different matter. First of all, we dont decide which writer to assign to your case. Normally the procedure goes on like this: you describe your order, the writers who are available at the moment leave their bids, and you decide which of them suits you best. To help you do this you have their full profiles and records at your service: number and size of the orders theyve fulfilled, the grades given to them by customers, samples of their work, feedback and commentaries from the clients and so on. After you choose the writer you may contact him and communicate throughout the process of writing, clarifying the details that may have been left unclear in your initial order, or simply oversee the work. ThePensters: We Respect the Customer and the Writer Both As you may see, we try to give both the customer and the writer as much freedom as possible. We dont hide information from them, we allow them to choose whoever they want to deal with, and we make information on each and every one of our writers open so that you always know who your order goes to. Place an order with us and find out how a real writing service works.
Monday, December 23, 2019
The New Jim Crow Mass Incarceration of the Racial Undercaste
Throughout the semester, we have discussed many different issues that are currently prevalent in the United States, specifically those related to racial discrimination. One specific issue that I have developed interest and research in is that of institutionalized racism, specifically in the form of mass incarceration, and what kinds of effects mass incarceration has on a community. In this paper, I will briefly examine a range of issues surrounding the mass incarceration of black and Latino males, the development of a racial undercaste because of rising incarceration rates, women and children’s involvement and roles they attain in the era of mass incarceration, and the economic importance that the prison system has due to its†¦show more content†¦One of the most significant policy developments that created a space for institutionalized racism following the slavery era was the War on Drugs, announced by President Ronald Reagan. This declaration was surprising becau se at the time, most Americans were hardly, if not at all, concerned about drug problems in their communities. Instead, President Reagan had created a tool in which race in the US could be controlled, specifically through a transition from traditional policing to military style policing. But this was not the only change in policing during this time. The Reagan administration, and following it, the Clinton administration, continued their racist-driven agendas by doing such things as making cash grants to those police authorities that made it a top priority to pursue drug offenders. Essentially bribing police officers into searching out anyone with drugs, it became legal for police officers to stop and search vehicles with minor traffic violations, as well as to confiscate any belongings of the individual charged with committing a drug crime, claiming that the object could have been a part of the felony act. Moreover, there was a shift in the court systems, leaving many individu als without their right to due process. This meant that many of those being charged were not given a lawyer or counsel from the state, they could be pushed into taking a plea bargain under the impression that there is no other way out, and bailShow MoreRelatedThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration1370 Words  | 6 Pagesnearly invisible to the majority of Americans. Michelle Alexander, in her book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness shatters this dominantly held belief. The New Jim Crow makes a reader profoundly question whether the high rates of incarceration in the United States is an attempt to maintain blacks as an underclass. Michelle Alexander makes the assertion that â€Å"[w]e have not ended racial caste in America; we have merely redesigned it†using the criminal justice system andRead MoreRacism And Incarceration Rates Among African Americans And Hispanics Essay1581 Words  | 7 Pagesthe United States prison system and the gap o f incarceration rates among African Americans, Hispanics, and White males. According to a research by Prison Policy Initiative both African Americans and Hispanics are imprisoned at 5.1 times and 1.8 times higher than the rate of White Americans for every 100,000 incarcerations, respectively. Throughout the history of the United States, it is obvious that the reasons for the disparity of the incarceration rate are related to policies, irregularities, andRead MoreThe Effects Of American Criminal Justice System Created By Public Perceptions Essay1565 Words  | 7 Pagesdays of racism are far behind; however it is clear that institutional racism still exists in this country. One way of viewing this institutional racism is looking at our nation’s prison system and how the incarceration rates are skewed towards African American men. The reasons for the incarceration rate disparity are argued and different between races, but history points out and starts to show the reason of wh y the disparity began. Families and children of the incarcerated are adversely affected dueRead MoreMass incarceration of African Americans, The Revised Caste System1780 Words  | 8 Pagesissue of racial disproportion in the United States has been an ongoing topic in history since slavery. As Americans we are affected by racial injustices everyday. One may not realize how their own racial identity plays a part in their everyday life experiences. The dynamics of racial oppression and privilege with the United States is incredibly complex ranging from the time of establishment to present day. The present day racial inequality within the criminal justice system and incarceration rates hasRead MoreAmerican Criminal Justice System And Mass Incarceration1752 Words  | 8 Pagesbias to implicit bias, from Jim Crow laws to the current American criminal justice system, there have been many changes, but the outcome has essentially remained the same: racial discrimination. Racial discri mination is treating someone differently only due to one’s race. Although it is said to be illegal in current times,it is still implemented through new techniques such as the modern criminal justice systems. Michelle Alexander discusses in her book, The New Jim Crow, how the current criminal justiceRead MoreThe New Jim Crow By Michelle Alexander2184 Words  | 9 Pages Paola Gonzalez Professor Maroney The American Experience May 6, 2015 The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander The New Jim Crow book written by Michelle Alexander and Michelle McCool addresses the racial dimensions of the War on Drugs. The book disputes that the federal drug policy purposefully targets lower minority groups and communities of color to keep black people incarcerated and off the streets. The book starts of disproving the idea that racism no longer exists by proving that racism is stillRead MoreStatistics Have Shown That Three Out Of Every Four Black1076 Words  | 5 Pageshandling of drugs (Kerby, 2012). Regardless of the evidence that shows that all races are equally susceptible and apart from the drug epidemic, African Americans have been number one in charts. In the article â€Å"The New Jim Crow: How the War on Drugs Gave Birth to a Permanent American Undercaste†, Michelle Alexander discusses how to this day African-Americans remain as the most prominent target of America. Alexander acknowledges how the rising drug war has labeled African Americans as â€Å"Bad Guys†. Alexander’sRead MoreThe New Jim Crow By Michelle Alexander Essay2059 Words  | 9 PagesIn the book The New Jim Crow author Michelle Alexander argues that a racial caste system still exists in the United States. Furthermore, this caste system is set up by the social control that is created by the discriminatory practices of the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs and mass incarcerations create a racial â€Å"undercaste†of African-Americans, by marginalizing ex-offenders in America. Within her arguments she describes the racist practices of, and policies surrounding, the War on Drugs. These extend
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Caribbean Culture Free Essays
Caribbean Culture Assignment Write an essay supporting the following arguments. Essay 1: The emergence of culture in the Caribbean. ?Culture is often hard to objectively define in a study, but can be simplified as the body of people’s expressions, values, meanings and artifacts that anchor peoples’ identity. We will write a custom essay sample on Caribbean Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Caribbean culture is identifiably linked to the approaches to survival taken by her peoples. Discuss this statement critically. Essay 2: The intellectual contribution of the Caribbean. Education has forever been a priority for the Caribbean region. From the mass of the Caribbean population have come some of the world’s best minds, creative intellect and imagination. The common heritage of a history rooted in exploitation and the struggle for freedom and independence have formed the foundation of an extraordinary commitment to education on the part of Caribbean societies over the years. While some may argue that the quality of education in the region is on the decline there is no doubt that Caribbean societies continue to maintain education as one of their highest priorities. Discuss this statement critically. Essay 3: ? Caribbean Integration It will be recalled that the Caribbean islands were among the first areas to be impacted by early globalization, in the form of European maritime expansion. The initial result was the extermination of the majority of the indigenous population. There followed mercantilism, slavery and the plantation system, and centuries of rivalry and wars among the major colonial powers. This left a legacy of political and linguistic fragmentation that constitutes the main obstacle to regional integration. Discuss this statement critically. How to cite Caribbean Culture, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
General Studies and research of Cardiology Essay Example For Students
General Studies and research of Cardiology Essay Cardiology is the diagnosis and treatment of human or animal hearts In the focus of Cardiology, the heart has many different anatomical features including ventricles, atria and valves. While plenty is known about the healthy heart, Cardiology usually studies diseased hearts. Because diseases of the heart can lead to many complications and is the leading cause of death, it is important to study these diseases to try and develop new medicine or procedures to prevent heart disease from causing so many complications. The Heart The primary job of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body. This is accomplished through systemic circulation and pulmonary circulation. In systemic circulation, the heart pumps blood through the extremities and most of the organs of the body. Through pulmonary circulation, the heart pumps blood through the lungs. It takes the de-oxygenated blood away from the heart, to the lungs, and back to the heart with oxygen-rich blood. Because the heart is an intricate organ it has many parts that can fail due to disease or dysfunction. The electrical portion of the heart is caused by muscle cells that are charged by the cardiac pacemaker in the sinoatrial node. These electrical charges and beats can be monitored through the use of ECG’s (electro-cardio-grams). These electrical charges propagate throughout the heart in a specific pattern. Dysfunction of these electrical currents can manifest itself in many ways including ventricular fibrillation, heart block and Wolff–Park inson–White syndrome. The mechanical part of the heart is based off of moving blood through itself, and to the rest of the body fluently. Just like an engine, or a pump, if the heart is not â€Å"running†properly many adverse effects can occur which can lead to heart disease. Disorders of Coronary Circulation Disorders like ACS refer to a group of symptoms attributed to obstruction of the Coronary Arteries. ACS symptoms often include chest pain, with the pain radiating to the left arm or jaw. The biggest symptom to low blood flow to the heart is chest pain, nausea and vomiting and a feeling of impending doom. Patients that are expected to have an ACS disorder are sent in to the hospital to have a various set of tests done. If complications are allowed to get worse, STEMI and non-STEMI myocardial infarctions can occur causing stoppage of the heart due to multiple reasons like low blood circulation and stoppage of the electric current in the heart. Angina Pectoris Commonly known as just Angina, this complication is due to ischemia of the heart muscle. The main cause of Angina is Coronary heart disease due to infection and inflammation of the arteries feeding the heart. In most cases Angina can be very painful for the victim. There are two types of Angina known, Stable and unstable. Stable angina is also called effort angina, this refers to a common understanding of Angina related to Myocardial Ischemia. Typical symptoms of stable angina are that of chest discomfort associated with running, walking and other forms of exercise, with little or no symptoms at rest or with administration of Nitroglycerin. Unstable Angina, or, Crescendo Angina is a form of acute coronary syndrome. It usually occurs at rest, is very severe and occurs in a pattern Cardiomyopathy : A Disease Of The Heat Muscle EssayVentricular Fibrillation V-Fib or Ventricular Fibrillation is a condition where uncoordinated contractions of the heart cause no real blood to be pumped throughout the body. The ventricles in the heart quiver instead of contracting properly. V-fib is a shockable heart rhythm so medical personnel can use an AED to shock the heart, bring it to a flatline and use CPR to bring the heart back to a normal rhythm. Disorders of the Myocardium Cardiomyopathy which literally means (heart muscle disease) is any deterioration of the heart muscle which commonly leads to heart failure. Cardiomyopathy can be acquired or inherited by genes and by your health. If you live a very healthy lifestyle but your parents or grandparents suffer from this disease there is a probability that you may inherit it. However if there is no genetic connection to this disease, but you live a very unhealthy lifestyle you also have a somewhat high chance to acquire this disease. The biggest problem with this disease is that it causes Ischemia, which is poor oxygen circulation to the heart. Because of this the heart has less oxygen to work with than needed, which causes other problems within the heart and other parts of the body. Although there is no medication to stop or reverse this disease, pacemakers and defibrillators can help someone that suffers from having severe and sudden heart attack, but they will not work 100% of the time. Ventricular Hypertrophy Ventricular Hypertrophy is the thickening of the ventricular walls, the lower chambers of the heart. There are generally two types of hypertrophy consisting of healthy and unhealthy. The ventricles are the chambers in the heart responsible for pumping blood either to the lungs (right ventricle) or to the rest of the body (left ventricle). Healthy cardiac hypertrophy is the normal and healthy response to an increase in exercise, or becoming pregnant. This allows the heart to increase in mass and also increase its pumping ability. Trained athletes have hearts that have left ventricular mass up to 60% greater than untrained subjects. Diseases of the blood vessels: Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis is a specific form of arteriosclerosis in which an artery wall thickens as a result of the accumulation of calcium and fatty materials such as cholesterol and triglyceride. It reduces the elasticity of the artery walls and therefore allows less blood to travel through. This also increases blood pressure. Atherosclerosis is often asymptomatic pending grave blockage and narrowing of an artery. Signs and symptoms usually come out when the severe blockage impedes blood flow to different organs. Most of the time, patients realize that they have the disease only when they experience other cardiovascular disorders such as stroke or heart attack. These symptoms, however, still vary depending on which artery or organ is affected. Typically, atherosclerosis begins as a thin layer of white streaks on the artery wall (usually due to white blood cells) and progresses from there. Clinically, atherosclerosis is typically associated with men over the age of 45. Sub-clinically, the di sease begins to appear at early childhood, and perhaps even at birth. Deep Vein Thrombosis Deep Vein Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot inside a deep vein.
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