Friday, January 24, 2020
Creons Role in Antigone :: Creon as tragic figure
Creon in the play of Antigone by Sophocles plays a major role within the play. Antigone also plays an important role, as these two character’s conflicting views led to utter disaster, which highlights Creon as a tragic figure. Within the play Creon attempted to establish decisions for the common good; however, his decisions resulted in tragedy. Creon highlighted as the tragic figure, initially created decisions he thought was for the welfare and well-being of Thebes; however, Antigone, who rebelled against Creon’s decisions, caused Creon’s rage to cloud his rational way of thinking. When Creon decided to forbid the burial of Polynices, as he believed Polynices was a traitor to Thebes, Antigone was outraged. This decision, viewed through the eyes of Creon, was just and fair; on the other hand, Antigone viewed his decision as cruel and selfish, which resulted into a major conflict between these two characters. When Antigone disobeyed his proclamation, Creon became infuriated towards this rebellious act. Those small events within the play expressed Creon as a ruler doing what he believes is right; on the other hand, Antigone’s rebellion expressed otherwise. Antigone was soon shown to cause an evil spark within Creon. This â€Å"spark†caused Creon to intensify his punishments towards Antigone, which in turn caused a chain reaction of events and eventually led to his tragic decline. Being portrayed as a menacing villain throughout the play, Creon began as an honorable man; however, overwhelming events and confrontations caused Creon to evolve in to this monstrous figure. This play, Antigone, was titled after one of the play’s main characters; however, the title could have been â€Å"Creon†, due to Creon’s influence throughout the play. Creon was a major influence to the play’s plot as it involves Creon within a majority of the scenes, from beginning to end. Throughout the play Creon’s tragic countdown is expressed, beginning with him as king of Thebes to the death of his beloved family. Antigone is merely portrayed as a rebellious nephew, as she consistently defies Creon. Antigone is expressed within the play consistently; however, the play portrays decisions proclaimed by Creon, which displays Creon’s tragic flow. Being titled â€Å"Antigone†, does not accurately express the play’s content as Creon’s tragic fate is actually being described and represented.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Information Pack Essay
With an international reputation for innovation, high quality education and research, and global relationships, it is not surprising that Oxford Brookes University has been voted the best modern university in the Sunday Times Good University Guide for seven years in succession. The Business School is one of the leading schools for teaching and learning in the UK, being a national Subject Centre in Business, Management, Accountancy and Finance, and Oxford Brookes University is one of only sixteen institutions across the UK to have received two multi-million pound awards to establish more than one Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Oxford Brookes University – like other UK universities – has degree awarding power, granted by Royal Charter. But what does this mean? Well, these powers are granted on the basis of Oxford Brookes University having appropriate procedures for assuring the quality and standards of its awards in both design and operation, and being subject to the scrutiny of the QAA, the body responsible to the UK Government’s Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills for assuring the quality of UK Higher Education in the public interest. So although you don’t physically attend Oxford Brookes University to gain the BSc (Hons) degree in Applied Accounting, the degree programme is of the same rigorous standard as other degrees offered by Oxford Brookes University and meets standards set by QAA. In an independent assessment of teaching quality, the Business School was one of only two in the country to achieve the maximum score (24/24) across more than one subject area. The School’s reputation has also been recognised through the award of a national, multi-million-pound Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, which has developed a new learning centre on campus with the latest technology to support learning in a cafe-style environment. In a recent QAA audit of Oxford Brookes University it concluded that it has ‘broad confidence’ (the highest category available) in the quality and standards of its awards. So by gaining the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting, awarded by Oxford Brookes University, you will not only demonstrate to potential or existing employers that you possess all the relevant graduate skills to equip you for a brilliant career in accounting and finance, but that it is from a university that has a reputation for excellence. 4 2. Eligibility To be awarded the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting you must:  · Be eligible for the degree. This means you must be registered with Oxford Brookes University i. . opted-in to the BSc degree scheme before passing any of the three ACCA Fundamentals papers, F7, F8 and F9  · pass the three ACCA Fundamentals papers F7, F8 and F9 and pass other papers as required to successfully complete all nine Fundamentals level papers  · complete the ACCA Professional Ethics module before submitting a Research and Analysis Project to Oxford Brookes University.  · complete and pass the Oxford Brookes University Research and Analysis Project The degree must be completed within 10 years of your start date onto the ACCA’s professional qualification otherwise your eligibility will be withdrawn If you are unsure on your eligibility for the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting degree, then you should firstly refer to myACCA which will tell you whether or not you have opted in to the degree scheme and whether or not you are eligible. If you are not eligible for the degree programme, then it will be for one of the following reasons: You enrolled with ACCA before the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting degree was introduced When the degree programme was introduced in 2000/2001, all eligible registered students were required to opt into the degree scheme by November 2001. Any student who did not do so, would have been automatically withdrawn.  · If you registered with ACCA prior to 2001, have yet to complete Papers F7-F9 and are within 10 years of your start date, please contact ACCA Connect to opt into the degree programme. You ticked the box on your ACCA registration form stating you did not wish to join the Oxford Brookes University degree programme If you are yet to complete Papers F7, F8 and F9, you may opt back in to the BSc degree by contacting ACCA Connect.  · If you have already passed ANY of Papers F7, F8 or F9, then unfortunately it is now too late to opt back into the degree programme.  · If you hold exemptions for any of Papers F7-F9, then you may contact ACCA Connect to forfeit these in order to remain eligible. This must be done before sitting any of the other core Papers of F7-F9 – once you have forfeited your exemption you cannot reverse this decision. 5 You do not hold a suitable English language qualification  · Providing you complete Paper F4, then this will be acceptable. Oxford Brookes University deems Paper F4 as proof of English proficiency therefore you should complete this exam and opt in with ACCA before passing Papers F7-F9. You enrolled with ACCA over 10 years ago  · The BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting degree has a 10 year deadline starting from a student’s start date with ACCA. If this has expired in your case, we regret that you are no longer eligible to complete the degree with us. 6 3 Conversion arrangements ACCA exam conversion arrangements Oxford Brookes University will recognise any passes or exemptions from Part 1 and Part 2 exams in the ACCA Professional scheme that are converted to the Fundamentals level of the ACCA Qualification, as contributions towards the award of the BSc degree. ACCA Professional Scheme exam passes before June 2000 You will be subject to both the requirements of the ‘transitional arrangements’, published when the degree was introduced, and the requirements of these conversion arrangements. 7 4. Aims and outcomes The principal aim of the BSc degree programme is to widen access to Oxford Brookes University (OBU) and enable ACCA students across the world the opportunity to obtain an OBU degree. The BSc degree aims to enhance and extend the knowledge and skills gained by you in your professional studies, and to improve your effectiveness as a professional accountancy student and future finance professional. 4 . a) Programme regulations Admission The minimum academic entry requirements for registering on the BSc degree are two A Levels plus three GCSEs (grade C or above) in five separate subjects including Maths and English. Oxford Brookes University recognises a number of other qualifications which satisfy the minimum English language requirement, including a Pass in ACCA Paper F4, Corporate and Business Law. Further details can be obtained from the ACCA office at Oxford Brookes University. If you registered with ACCA under the mature student entry route (MSER) and do not have an acceptable English Language qualification, you will be permitted to register for the BSc degree only after you have passed Paper F4, Corporate and Business Law. If you are a CAT student, and have passed the CAT Advanced level exam papers, you meet all the entry requirements for the BSc degree. Exemptions As a registered student, you may be given exemptions from one or more of the nine ACCA specified exam papers. Exemption decisions are made by ACCA and ACCA exemption policy is periodically reviewed by Oxford Brookes University. However, if you wish to achieve the BSc degree you must sit and pass all of the three ACCA subjects F7, F8 and F9. No exemption can be given from the Professional Ethics Module or from the Oxford Brookes University Research and Analysis Project (RAP). Progression When you register with ACCA to undertake the ACCA Qualification, you are automatically registered with Oxford Brookes University for the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting, unless you opted-out of the BSc degree programme at the time of initially registering with ACCA. If you have opted-put, you may re-register for the BSc degree scheme provided you have not passed any of the three subjects – F7, F8 and F9. If you have passed any one of these three subjects you cannot then register on to the BSc degree. Conversion arrangements have been developed for completion of the BSc degree if you have passed one or more ACCA professional scheme exams by, or at, the June 2 0 07 ACCA exam sitting. 8 Oxford Brookes University Research and Analysis Project You must pass or be exempt from the ACCA Fundamentals exams, including sitting and passing all of F7, F8 and F9, and complete the Professional Ethics module before submitting a RAP to Oxford Brookes University. You will need to find a project mentor to assist you with your RAP, by providing guidance and advice on your RAP and also to verify that you made an oral presentation at the end of your project research. Your project mentor should be a member of staff at an ACCA tuition provider, your line manager or an ACCA qualified member. Please note that this is different role to the role of the workplace mentor you need when completing your practical experience requirements, although you may find that your line manager is the most appropriate person to fulfil both these roles. Oxford Brookes University has two submission periods each year during which you may submit an OBU RAP. An OBU RAP that is submitted after the end of a submission period will be returned unmarked to you, but it may be resubmitted in the following submission period. You are required to pay a project submission fee to Oxford Brookes University with any project submission. See the section on Submission Periods for the current submission fee. 4 . b) Programme learning outcomes On completing the degree programme, you will have demonstrated a capability to: Knowledge and understanding K1 Critically evaluate accounting concepts and principles and their application in solutions to practical accounting problems. K2 Prepare financial statements of entities, including groups of companies, using relevant financial information, accounting techniques and standards; and to analyse and interpret such financial statements. K3 Use relevant management accounting techniques with cost information, for planning, decision-making, performance evaluation and control, within different business settings. K4 Apply financial management techniques to issues affecting investment, financing, and dividend policy decisions of an organisation. K5 Understand the general legal framework, and apply specific legal principles relating to business, including taxation legislation as applicable to individuals, single companies and groups of companies. K6 Explain the process of carrying out the assurance (audit) engagement and its application in the context of the professional (audit) regulatory framework. K7 Describe the organisational context of the accountant and of the development of accounting information systems; to understand the need for the efficient use of resources within an organisation. K8 Understand the ethical responsibilities of professional accountants, including the principles of the ACCA code of conduct, and to reflect on ethical dilemmas and potential solutions. 9 Disciplinary and professional skills D1 Prepare non-complex financial statements using generally accepted accounting principles. D2 Evaluate and comment on the performance and financial situation of organisations using a range of interpretative techniques. D3 Select and apply appropriate accounting and financial management techniques to organisational business planning, decision-making and control. D4 Understand the limitations of accounting techniques and the implications of such limitations. D5 Understand the limitations of acquired knowledge of legal and taxation issues and recognise the need to seek further specialist advice where necessary. D6 Communicate analysis of accounting and financial information and recommendations to a variety of different audiences. Transferable Skills T1 Solve problems through the identification of key issues, synthesis of information and analytical tools, and the presentation and critical evaluation of a range of options. T2 Communicate appropriately in writing and through an oral presentation.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Essay on Lewis Carroll - 1776 Words
Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll is a well known and talked about author, whose writings have stirred up much controversy. His work has inspired ballot, puppet shows, and even music videos. (Vink). Lewis Carroll is an outstanding English writer because of his background, his position in English literature, and his many works, such as his novel, â€Å"Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.†â€Å"‘Lewis Carroll,’ as he was to become known, was born on January 27, 1832 (Leach 1). He was raised on a parsonage that was located in the middle of a cornfield. The family even raised livestock to supplement their income. Carroll was the oldest of four boys and seven girls. He referred to his mother as â€Å"‘one of the sweetest and gentlest†¦show more content†¦This has led to much controversy in today’s society; but before Freud and his psychosexual motives, there were no thoughts such as those that his theory proposes. â€Å"These photos were troubling by some, genius by others†(Vink). He all together took about two thousand photographs in twenty five-years. Some believed that â€Å"there must have been been a sexual side to it but very much under control†(Vink). In 1881, Carroll suddenly gave up photography and his lectureship, â€Å"making people suspect his intentions toward his models†(Vink). Others believed that â€Å"... the likely reason was his desire to devote all his time to his writing...†(Blake 58). In 1867, he toured Russia and Europe with a friend. He then bought a house in Guildford. He did this because both of his parents were both dead at this time, and his unmarried sisters needed a place to live. He then devoted the rest of his life to his writing. He died suddenly on January 14, 1898, of a violent case of pneumonia. â€Å"Carroll was a writer from the earliest age†(58). He began writing a series of family magazines for the amusement of his family. â€Å"The first, begun when he was about [fourteen], and was called Useful and Instructive Poetry and consisted of humerus verses†(Carpenter and Prichard 98). While at Oxford, he published a series of mathematical textbooks, at least half a dozen, that were designed to help his students with theirShow MoreRelated Lewis Carroll Essay1459 Words  | 6 Pages Lewis Carroll is one of the most well known Nonsense Writers. Though using nonsense in poetry has been dismissed as simply quot;for entertainment purposesquot;, most nonsensical poetry acts as an allegory, has deep symbolism and leaves the door wide open for varying interpretations. Lewis Carroll has utilized this sense with nonsense through his poems and prose found in his novels Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass . 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